308- Pfft.
Posted August 15, 2013 at 08:00 am

Roth hasn't been quite himself as of late. He just hasn't had anyone to tease! >:U

So I finally completed the original Full Metal Alchemist. To be clear, it was not Brotherhood, the 2009 series, but the original from 2003. Up until recently, I had only watched about 10 or 15 episodes.

WARNING: If you want to watch the original FMA, I recommend you stop reading here, because I may just spoil it.

It was... okay. I loved the first half. The first few episodes still send chills up my spine. The Cornello episodes were so epic, the directing is amazing! It stays pretty good up until episode 25 or 30, I forget exactly where but it's about halfway through the series.

Once it derails from the manga's story it slowly goes down a downward spiral.

I've never read the source material, but I'm pretty sure this is where it becomes strictly anime. [Because I'm a nerd like that, I just know, but I digress!]  I didn't care for the second half of the series very much! It felt like it was trying to shock and appall you rather than tell you a coherent story. I've seen enough anime to know that gimmick. Plus all of the invented stuff just seemed very goofy, even goofy for anime. I ended it with the film Conqueror of Shamballa which was really tough for me to sit through. Also, was Wrath just hanging around to die? Why does  Gluttony show up anyway? He might as well just said "CONVENIENT PLOT DEVICE" before chomping up Wrath. 

I still love the characters, but MAN the anime stuff is just... it pales in comparison compared to Hirom Arakawa sensei's story.

I'm now watching through Brotherhood, since most of it's on Netflix, yay!  In the past, I've tried to follow but I stopped when I got too poor to buy the blu-rays. Life of an artist, right? Haha.

But yeah, I'm really excited to see what the true story was.

Anyay, enough of my OTAKU-ing. New page tomorrow! :)

Note: Started feeling really sick again, so I guess I'll let you guys know now. After this week updates will be cut down to 3 days a week until I'm better. :( I will not stop updates under any circumstances, but they will be cut down.


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